
You Do make a difference!

We are incredibly grateful for your support to COIAF’s work to advance Italian Heritage, Culture and allow us on your behalf to continue supporting the Annual Scholarship Gala in conjunction with the Order Sons of Italy Lodge 2738 in Colorado.

There are three ways to help support the COIAF Mission – see below:

OPTION A – We ask your consideration to donate via a one-time donation or a smaller monthly recurring amount.   

(Please add $2.22  for PayPal processing or send your payment as PERSONAL -)

via PayPalThis option provides you with a fully tax deductible donation receipt for tax records.

For 2023 and beyond, there are two New ways to sustain your gift without coming out of pocket!

1) A direct donation is always appreciated, and now you can multiply that gift by making it a sustainable gift by participating in the

Kroger/King Soopers Community Rewards program just by continuing to do what you do today.

Every time you shop on, it makes sure your applicable purchases are attributed to Colorado Italian American Foundation.

Visit our “MakeMeSmile” page to learn more: